About VES
Rural Vietnam
Vietnam is improving economically, however, this is more evident in the cities than in the rural areas. Many students in rural Vietnam continue to study under extremely difficult conditions. Schools are often poorly designed, aging and not properly maintained. The classrooms can be drafty, cold in the winter, hot in the spring and summer, and are typically poorly lit. The teachers worry about the challenges the children face when they try to study in such conditions.

VES also works with the Pacific Links Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping stop human trafficking along the border regions in Vietnam. (Please see current projects for more information.)

Please help us help the children of rural Vietnam.

Over the past decade, the Government of Vietnam has been promoting and encouraging early childhood education. The opportunity for three to five year olds to attend school offers these youngsters stimulation and learning opportunities while freeing both parents to work. In rural areas, this work typically involves agricultural work in the fields or harvesting in the jungle. The ability to have both parents working dramatically improves the family's economic situation. In addition, when the kindergartens have kitchens, children whose parents can afford the modest fee are assured of a solid mid-day meal. VES provides free lunches in several of our early childhood centres.

The rural and remote parts of the countryside are the last to receive kindergarten buildings. Classes are held in whatever space can be found, including private homes or in part of the community hall or temple or in whatever space can be found including storage areas. In the places where VES has visited, these local facilities are usually woefully inadequate and unbelievably crowded eg. 48 children in a 20 sq. metre classroom.

VES works to address the urgent need for proper kindergartens in rural and remote areas.

VES History
VES has completed three primary schools, 13 kindergartens, a multipurpose room and a primary school library in various rural communities throughout Vietnam. In addition, VES has supplied blankets, cots, toys, school supplies, water filters and kitchen and playground equipment to the VES kindergartens and primary schools. At each of our kindergartens, we pay for the school lunches for all children whose parents cannot pay the monthly fee. Currently, we are paying for lunches for 405 children each school year.

Click here to read the VES Project Overview.
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Help us help rural Vietnamese children
