• 2017
Ruồng Kindergarten, Bắc Giang Province
Ruồng Hamlet, Thượng Lan Commune, Việt Yên District
About the community
Thượng Lan is a poor mountainous commune in Việt Yên district of Bắc Giang province. The 9,000 people who live in Thượng Lan Commune are scattered across eight hamlets. Ruồng hamlet is one of these. Most residents are subsistence farmers. Roads and other infrastructure in the area is poor.
Helping the children succeed
In 2017, Ruồng hamlet was in desperate need of a kindergarten for their over eighty 3-5 year olds. Many children were unable to attend kindergarten due to a lack of space. For those who were able to attend, kindergarten classes were held in an old warehouse.
Funding & construction
Mr. Quang, head of the Bắc Giang Study Promotion Association, desperately wanted to build a new school for Ruồng hamlet. He approached VES and said that he could obtain a portion of the funds if VES could raise the rest prior to his retirement at the end of 2017. Fortunately, we were able to raise the needed funds and Ruồng hamlet is now home to a lovely kindergarten.