• 2023
Chênh Vênh Kindergarten, Quảng Trị Province
Chênh Vênh Hamlet, Hướng Phùng Commune, Hương Hóa District

About the community
Hướng Phùng commune is on the border with Laos and is about 25 km. north of the district capital Khe Sanh. This is an extremely poor commune in a very poor district. The per capita annual income in Hướng Phùng commune in 2021 was only US$512.

Helping the children succeed
The new Chênh Vênh kindergarten opened in June 2023. Before that the approximately 30 kindergarten aged children in Chênh Vênh hamlet studied and played in a small, narrow classroom less than half regulation size. That classroom was in very poor condition, leaking when it rained and becoming incredibly humid when it was hot. The teachers, parents and children are so grateful for the new classroom and washrooms (there weren’t any washrooms near the old classroom).

Funding & construction
Construction of the one classroom kindergarten (with washrooms and storage space) cost U.S.$38,932 and was funded entirely by Bob and Mary Hagedorn. Thank you so much, Bob and Mary!!